*If you choose I have a template that needs minor updating (2 Proofs MAX), you can upload your information, photos, and text on this page or email to orders@gdppv.com after you pay. We will not work on your order without payment.
*If you choose I have a template that needs major updating (3 Proofs MAX), you can upload your information, photos, and text on this page or email to orders@gdppv.com after you pay. We will not work on your order without payment.
*If you choose Create me a new template (4 Proofs MAX), you can upload your information, photos, and text on this page or email to orders@gdppv.com after you pay. We will not work on your order without payment.
Drag files here or browse
Accepted File Formats: PDF, AI, DOC, DOCX, EPS, JPG, JPEG, PNG, PSD, PUB, TIF, TIFF, PPT, PPTX, TXT, CSV, BMP, GIF, SVG, XLSX, XLS, and ZIP. Maximum file size - 500 MB.
Drag files here or browse
Accepted File Formats: PDF is the preferred file format. We will also accept files formatted as AI, DOC, DOCX, EPS, JPG, JPEG, PNG, PSD, PUB, TIF, TIFF, PPT, PPTX, TXT, CSV, BMP, GIF, SVG, XLSX and XLS.
Drag files here or browse
Accepted File Formats: PDF is the preferred file format. We will also accept files formatted as AI, DOC, DOCX, EPS, JPG, JPEG, PNG, PSD, PUB, TIF, TIFF, PPT, PPTX, TXT, CSV, BMP, GIF, SVG, XLSX and XLS.
*If you choose I will upload my Design Files Later, please email your files to orders@gdppv.com

Drag files here or browse
Upload your files. Files accepted are .pdf, jpg, and png
Drag files here or browse
Upload your files. Files accepted are .pdf, jpg, and png
Any special instructions and request (if necessary)
*If you choose to I will use the template as is and add my Information and Photos Later, you can email your information, photos, and text to orders@gdppv.com after you pay. We will not work on your order without payment.
Enter a name for this project
Drag files here or browse
Upload your files. Files accepted are .pdf, jpg, and png
Drag files here or browse
Upload your files. Files accepted are .pdf, jpg, and png
Any special instructions and request (if necessary)
Grand total


🖼️ Upload Artwork and Design Services

📁 Upload Artwork and Design Service Options

You have the flexibility to add your information and text to the template either now or later. If you prefer the latter, simply email your information, photos, and text to order@gdppv.com. Alternatively, you can upload your files or choose to have us design it for you.

Moreover, if you decide to update your current template on file or create a new template, please email your information, photos, and text to order@gdppv.com after you complete your payment. Importantly, we will not work on your order without payment.

✍️ If You Choose to Add Your Information and Photos Now, You Will Be Prompted to Do the Following:

  1. Add
  2. Add
  3. Add Your License Number
  4. Add Your Phone Number
  5. Add Your Email
  6. Add Your Website
  7. Add Your Social Media Accounts
  8. Upload Your Photo
  9. Upload Your Logo
  10. Add Notes to Explain More in Detail (Optional)
  11. Click Add to Cart
  12. Order and Pay for Your Product

⏰ We Will Proof You Within 24 Hours

Once the proof is approved, we will promptly move into production. Please note: the project cut-off time is 2 PM. As a result, turnaround will start on the next scheduled business day. An email will be sent once the product has been mailed.

📊 Design Specs and Template:

In addition, we recommend saving your file to print as a PDF. Ideally, send a PDF with embedded or outlined fonts, as PDF files are easier to handle and will likely speed up your turnaround. Furthermore, remember to flatten your files before uploading. When creating a PDF, please ensure it is a Press-Ready PDF.

  • Bleed must extend past the cut-line, as it will be trimmed from the product during the final cutting phase. This is particularly important when the image extends all the way to the edge, preserving the finished look and the quality of the final product.
  • Additionally, please keep all text at least 0.125″ inside the cut-line.
  • Finally, create all artwork with 0.25″ bleed all around.